06. Leadership

Training module
Service Img

About this training module

As a manager you must have your eyes on the price, right? Hitting targets, making schedules, creating a strong team and reporting to other managers. We are convinced that in order to achieve your store goals, your soft skills are essential. How do you give feedback, when do you step in as a manager and how do you ensure that everyone in your store has the same goal?

Through our leadership training you will learn how to let your team work at its optimal strength. In a training focused on soft skills leadership, we provide tools that are directly applicable in the workplace.

Our leadership program is characterized by:

  • Encourages: As a manager you have a goal and you want your team to be part of it.
  • Vision: Goals are just a starting point.
  • Challenges the status quo: Can we do it better.
  • Going the extra mile: Above and beyond.
  • Inspires trust: My team knows I trust them to be the best they can be.
  • Leading by example: Engage, Educate & Inspire.
  • Do the right thing: Rules are guidelines, every situation is different.

Who benefits from this training?

The leadership program is for (Assistant) Store Managers working in luxury retail. We will share valuable insights, best practices and real-world examples to help managers gain a deeper understanding on what managing a store is all about and develop skills that can be applied in your day-to-day operations. The training is hands on and active, do not expect to sit on your lazy …  all day. The program will be a challenging mix of listening, participating in games, presentations, quizzes and multiple scenarios on individual and team interactions.

We will make you step out of your comfort zone, that’s were the actual learning starts, but don’t worry we have got your back.

Expert-Led Sessions

Our management training is led by industry experts with extensive experience in (fashion) retailing. We can’t save you from all the pitfalls we encountered in our career, but we can make sure that ‘you hit the ground running’!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a sales training take?
What makes your sales training different from other training courses?
How can I start with your sales training?
What services does your company offer?
Do you work with specific types of clients?
Do you work worldwide?